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Computer Science: Hard Topics in Easiest Way

On this page you will find discussion of various topics in the field of computer science. Each topic is prepared according to the motto: as simple as possible and at the same time practical. The materials are intended for all those who want to expand their knowledge, as well as for those who want to pass it on to others.

Students will find here clear and concise discussions of selected topics, while teachers will discover inspiring lesson ideas and ready-made lesson plans.

How is this site different from similar ones that can be found on the web?

The first difference, especially important for teachers, is that this site is available in Polish. Many extensive sites on similar topics are only available in English, making it difficult to use them in lessons.

Secondly, the site has been prepared by a "thoroughbred computer scientist with an unusual hobby." Yes, I am a computer scientist by training, I have also worked as a programmer and am constantly developing my skills in this area. In addition, I am passionate about education and didactics. I have been teaching computer science to children and adults at various levels for many years. Many sites on similar topics leave out one of two important aspects: didactics and professionalism. Materials written in a professional manner and with a solid theoretical background are often difficult to understand and aimed at university students rather than mere mortals. On the other hand, many teaching materials in computer science lack professionalism: it is apparent that they were created by a person who does not have in-depth experience in this field and is not aware of good practices. When preparing the materials on my site, I try to take both aspects into account (of course, please report any errors and/or inaccuracies, to be wrong is human).

Thirdly, the materials are prepared (as I mentioned above) with the idea of "as simple as possible" and with respect for the reader's time. I strive to ensure that everyone can understand the topics I discuss, and do so in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, I do not create long studies on a simple algorithm, rather I focus on the important points and simple examples. On the other hand, this means that I do not discuss some of the nuances, and I only touch on some of the details in a cursory manner. As the ancient saying goes: "something for something". My materials should help you understand the basics and the general idea, while those interested in the details are referred to other sources.

Fourth, the materials are undergoing their baptism of fire. I use them myself in my lessons and ask friends to review them. If I notice that something needs to be corrected or supplemented, I correct and/or supplement. Any comments can also be made, I invite you to look at the contact tab.


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