We have learned the basics of algorithmics and algorithm representation, then it is now time for a simple exercise. Our task will be to guide a robot from the start to the finish line. To do this, we will create a set of instructions for the robot: algorithm that will lead it to the goal, i.e. solve the given problem.
Basic rules¶
- The starting field is marked in blue.
- The finish line is marked in green.
- The robot starts at the starting field. Its goal is to reach the finish line.
- In each step the robot can move one field.
The following instructions are available:
- Right.
- Left.
- Top.
- Bottom.
Each instruction makes the robot move one field in the indicated direction.
Exercise 1¶
Example solution - linear algorithm¶
Example solution - algorithm with a loop¶
Exercise 2¶
Exercise 3¶
New rule: gray blocks mark walls. You cannot walk through the walls or stand on them, so you must avoid them.
Exercise 4¶
Exercise 5¶
Exercise 6¶
New rule: yellow boxes stand for treasure. Before reaching the finish line, you must collect all treasures, i.e. visit each yellow field.
Exercise 7¶
New rules:
- We move from the robot's perspective.
- We use a new set of instructions.
- The robot is initially facing down (south).
New set of instructions:
- Go forward.
- Turn to the left.
- Turn right.