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Introduction to Algorithms

Algorithms are sets of steps or instructions for performing specific tasks or solving problems. They can be compared to recipes: just as a step-by-step recipe guides you through the process of preparing a dish, an algorithm guides you through the process of solving a problem or performing a task.

Algorithms are an essential tool in computer science. They are used for everything from simple tasks, like sorting a list of names, to more complex ones, like analyzing data or even driving autonomous cars. Their beauty is that they are clear, precise and, most importantly, repeatable. This means that any person (or machine) executing the algorithm in the same way will achieve the same result, for the same input data (the exception, of course, is non-deterministic algorithms that incorporate randomness).

In the following sections, we will explore different types of algorithms, their applications, and how to design and analyze them. Whether you are new to computer science or already have some experience, understanding algorithms is crucial to developing skills in this fascinating field.

The following presentation provides a brief introduction to the world of algorithms.

Algorytmy - wprowadzenie

  • Maciej M. Sysło "Algorytmy"
  • Maciej M. Sysło "Piramidy, szyszki i inne konstrukcje algorytmiczne"


To practice algorithmic thinking, it is worth playing various puzzle games, such as these:

Cube composer


Coding Games for Kids